« Enter Dignityland » : jeu qui vous fera (re)découvrir vos droits sociaux

Home » Educational games » « Enter Dignityland » : jeu qui vous fera (re)découvrir vos droits sociaux

Enter Dignityland is a game about social rights intended for young players where the participants are members of parliament of an imaginary country named Dignityland. As parliamentarians, the players are to decide for the coming five years upon the development programme for social politics and rights. The decision-making process helps the participants acquire new knowledge about social rights and the relation of the latter to social politics.

The game was conceived within the framework of the project ENTER! with the aim of promoting young citizens’ access to social rights as well as of celebrating the 50th anniversary of the European Social Charter. It has been translated to Armenian by the KASA Foundation with the authorization of the Council of Europe.

The game is available for 10 000 AMD at the Espaces Centre (Yerevan) and KASA Gyumri (Gyumri).